
Playboy October 1958 Issue - Fiction, Articles, Humor, Attire, Modern Living, Playmates, Accoutrements, Pictorials, Jazz Poll, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The October 1958 issue of Playboy features a variety of content, starting with “The 51 Tones of Green,” a fiction piece. “The Pros of Paris” is an article that explores the city, while “Perchance to Dream” is another work of fiction. For humor, there is “Never Darken My Door Again.”

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Playboy January 1959 Issue - Entertainment, Food, Humor, Satire, Attire, Fiction, Nostalgia, Leisure, Pictorial, Ribald Classic, and Travel

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The January 1959 issue of Playboy offers a variety of content. It kicks off with "Party Games," focusing on entertainment, followed by "Magnifique Mardi Gras Menus" for food enthusiasts. "Hollywood Horizontal" is a humorous take on Hollywood, while "The Yawn" provides satire.

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Playboy February 1959 Issue - Fiction, Entertainment, Curios, Accessories, Travel, Humor, Food, Satire, Pictorial, Jazz, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy’s February 1959 issue brings an eclectic mix of content. It opens with a fiction piece, “The Buttondown Boys at Creepsville High” followed by “Rebel with a Caustic Cause,” an entertainment segment. “Cases for the Gaslight Gadabout” offers curious cases, while “Lighters for the Man of Today” delves into men’s accessories.

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Playboy March 1959 Issue - Fiction, Article, Attire, Pictorial, Travel, Modern Living, Humor, Satire, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The Playboy March 1959 issue kicks off with “The Noise,” a fiction piece. “Names in Lights” is an article that shines the spotlight on celebrities, while “Fashion Afoot” covers attire trends. Another fiction entry, “I Love You, Miss Irvine,” is followed by “Silverstein in Spain,” a pictorial capturing the beauty of Spain.

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Playboy April 1959 Issue - Novelette, Entertainment, Fiction, Attire, Food, Pictorial, Humor, Personalities, Modern Living, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The Playboy April 1959 issue begins with “What's Become of Your Creature?” a novelette that grabs attention. “Take One” covers entertainment, while “Nasty” is a piece of fiction. “The Look of a Winner” discusses attire trends and “Fishing for Compliments” focuses on food. “Type Casting” is a stylish pictorial, and “Chaucer in Hollywood” offers humor. “On The Scene” features personalities, and “Quiet, Jeeves” showcases accoutrements.

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Playboy May 1959 Issue - Fiction, Entertainment, Humor, Food, Travel, Satire, Attire, Pictorial, Accoutrements, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The May 1959 issue of Playboy kicks off with "Dealers Wild," a captivating piece of fiction. "Upstairs at the Downstairs" offers a glimpse into entertainment, and "The Weird World of Gahan Wilson" is filled with humor. "Viva Pizza!" celebrates food while "The Art of Travel" shares insights on travel. "Britons at the Ballpark" is an amusing satire, and "Wardrobe for a Jet Weekend" covers attire trends.

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Playboy June 1959 Issue - Action, Satire, Opinion, Attire, Fiction, Humor, Food and Drink, Pictorial, Travel, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The Playboy June 1959 issue takes readers on an adventure with "The Voyage of the Peanut" action piece, followed by the witty "Veni, Vidi, Vespa!" satire. It delves into the roots of counterculture in "The Origins of the Beat Generation" opinion piece, and jests with "Who Was That Lady?" satire.

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Playboy July 1959 Issue - Fiction, Entertainment, Humor, Personality, Food, Satire, Articles, Verse, Attire, Modern Living, Pictorial, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The Playboy July 1959 issue sets off with the fiction pieces "No Fire Burns" and "Sorcerer's Moon." It grooves with "Jazz, Jazz, Jazz" in entertainment and shares some laughter with "Two's a Crowd" humor. Readers can get a glimpse into "The Little World of Oscar Levant" in a personality feature and enjoy "Charcoalmanship" in food.

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Playboy August 1959 Issue - Novelette, Modern Living, Pictorial, Fiction, Attire, Humor, Satire, Articles, Food, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

The Playboy August 1959 issue kicks off with “The Sender of Letters” novelette and “High-Bred Hybrids” in modern living. Take a visual journey with “Silverstein Among The Arabs” in the pictorial section and dive into fiction with “The Rancher's Daughter.” “Brown for Town” covers attire, while “A Short History of Fingers” offers humor.

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Playboy September 1959 Issue - Fiction, Sports, Humor, Articles, Food, Pictorials, Modern Living, Attire, and More

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy's September 1959 issue entices with a mix of content. It opens with the gripping fiction “The Taste of Fear” and moves into sports with “Playboy's Pigskin Preview.” “The Trel” brings humor, while “The Miss America Joke” is an engaging article.

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Playboy October 1959 Issue - Provocative Photos, African Safari, Jazz Poll

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy's October 1959 issue brings an exciting blend of glamour, adventure, and music. The highlight of the issue is the provocative photos of film stars Kim Novak and Elaine Stewart, sure to enthrall fans of the silver screen.

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Playboy November 1959 Issue - Holidays, Hollywood, Sleep & Elegance

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy's November 1959 issue is a rich mix of fiction, humor, lifestyle, and culture. The issue features “A Cry from the Penthouse”, a gripping fiction piece and “A Long Time to Swing Alone”, another compelling story. To tickle your funny bone, “Holiday Office Parties” brings humorous insights. The issue also dives into Hollywood's connection with Europe through a pictorial feature titled “Hollywood Goes European”.

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Playboy December 1959 Issue - Holiday Celebrations, Fiction, Satire & Leisure

June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy's December 1959 issue captures the holiday spirit and serves a mix of entertainment, fiction, satire, and more. The issue begins with letters from readers in “Dear Playboy” followed by “Playboy After Hours” which discusses gifting for girls. “Before the Road” is a novelette that hooks readers with its engaging storyline.

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Playboy Magazine, February 1998

July 26, 2023 in PlayBoy 90s by Wyatt Earp

This February 1998 issue of Playboy Magazine presents an array of interviews, articles, pictorials, humor, and more.

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