Playboy July 1959 Issue - Fiction, Entertainment, Humor, Personality, Food, Satire, Articles, Verse, Attire, Modern Living, Pictorial, and More
June 29, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp
The Playboy July 1959 issue sets off with the fiction pieces "No Fire Burns" and "Sorcerer's Moon." It grooves with "Jazz, Jazz, Jazz" in entertainment and shares some laughter with "Two's a Crowd" humor. Readers can get a glimpse into "The Little World of Oscar Levant" in a personality feature and enjoy "Charcoalmanship" in food.
"Superman" adds satire, and "The Coffee Houses of America" is an insightful article. "The Sound of Beat" verse and “Beat Playmate” feature Playboy’s playmate of the month. “Playboy's Party Jokes” brings humor, while “Plain and Fancy” focuses on attire. "Happiness for Fun and Profit" is another humor piece, and "Invitation to Yachting" covers modern living. "The Incredible Adventures of Dino" is a fiction piece, followed by "Making a Splash" pictorial. “Teevee Jeebies” offers satire and “NO” is a ribald classic. Collectors and enthusiasts can find this issue in vintage magazine shops or through online platforms specializing in vintage publications. Digital versions may also be available.
Collectors and enthusiasts can find this issue in vintage magazine shops or through online platforms specializing in vintage publications. Digital versions may also be available.