Playboy October 1955 Issue - Humor, Fiction, and Style

June 28, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy October 1955 Issue

Playboy’s October 1955 issue brings a diverse array of content including humor in “The Adventures of Hector” by Thorne Smith, a pictorial of “A Stripper Goes to College”, and an article “Stags for Fun and Profit” by Jay Smith. Readers can also find lifestyle advice with “Summa Cum Style” and “The Cocktail Hour” by Thomas Mario. The issue features two Playmates and includes fiction such as “The King” by James Jones and the ribald classic “The Taming of the Rake” by Guy De Maupassant.

As far as we know, this issue of the magazine is available in PDF format for perusal purposes here.

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