Playboy November 1955 Issue - Entertainment, Fiction, and Pictorials
June 28, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp
Playboy November 1955 Issue
Playboy's November 1955 issue is a captivating blend of entertainment, such as "Jonathan Winters and His Purple Owl" by Victor Lownes, and fiction like "Burnt Toast" by Mack Reynolds. The magazine includes food content in “Playboy Cooks with Beer” by Thomas Mario, pictorials featuring Gina and Barbara Cameron, and the ribald classic “The Cuckold’s Stratagem” by Giovanni Straparola. Additionally, it offers humor with “Playboy’s Party Jokes” and satire “The Sorry Plight of the Human Male” by Shepherd Mead.
As far as we know, this issue of the magazine is available in PDF format for perusal purposes here.