Playboy Magazine, March 1976

July 10, 2023 in PlayBoy 70s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy Magazine, March 1976

The March 1976 issue of Playboy Magazine kicks off with the regular "Playboy After Hours" segment, providing insightful commentary on various forms of entertainment and cultural trends. It reviews Gene Wilder's directorial debut and Stanley Kubrick's highly anticipated masterpiece, offering readers a fresh perspective on these cinematic pieces.

In the book section, the magazine presents an intriguing comparison of the debut novels written by John V. Lindsay and William F. Buckley, Jr., revolving around the United States Government - a testament to Playboy's commitment to intellectual discourse.

The "Television" section spotlights a PBS special bio on the legendary French singer, Edith Piaf, illustrating the magazine's diverse content offerings. The roundup of female vocalists and a review of John Lennon's "Shaved Fish" in the "Recordings" section cements Playboy's relevance in the music scene.

An engaging article on the socio-economic situation, "The Middle-Class Squeeze," is included, alongside a humorous piece "Help! Pleh!" by L. Rust Hills. The issue's highlighted interview features Norman Lear, TV's greatest impresario of the time, discussing power, censorship, and his new shows in progress.

Finally, "How to do Everything," a feature article by Peter Passell, offers unusual and entertaining advice on various life situations, showing Playboy's light-hearted side.

Copies of this issue may be available from vintage magazine stores or online platforms.

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