Playboy April 1955 Issue - Engrossing Fiction, Humor, Satire, Pictorials, and More

June 28, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy April 1955 Issue

The April 1955 issue of Playboy Magazine offers an assortment of engaging content for the discerning reader. The issue opens with "The Hunger", a riveting fiction piece by Charles Beaumont. Humor is aplenty with “The Faithful Servants” by George J.W. Goodman and “Playboy’s Party Jokes”. Readers get a visual treat through “Executive Flight”, a captivating pictorial, as well as “Worldly Wisdom” by Arv Miller. For the aspiring corporate moguls, there is “How to Play Company Politics” by Shepherd Mead, a satirical take on corporate life. Culinary enthusiasts can explore the world of seafood with “Consider the Crab” by Thomas Mario. Miss April makes a glamorous appearance as Playboy's Playmate of the Month. Classic fiction lovers can indulge in Ribald Classics by Guy de Maupassant. The issue also features “Drinking Companions” and “Naked Advertising” pictorials, a fiction piece “A Tithe for Charity” by Virgil Patch and P.G. Wodehouse, and a games section with “Cocktail Quiz” by Joseph C. Stacey. Additionally, Roger Price provides humor in “Modern Art as a Hobby”, and the issue rounds off with “Playboy’s Bazaar”, a handy buying guide.

As far as we know, this issue of the magazine is available in PDF format for perusal purposes here. 

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