Playboy September 1954 Issue - Fiction, Jazz, Satire and the Art of Business Meetings

June 28, 2023 in PlayBoy 50s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy September 1954 Issue

The September 1954 issue of Playboy brings together a dynamic collection of entertainment. It features fiction from Charles Beaumont, jazz discussions by Frankenstein Smith, satire on business meetings, and an article on virginity. The issue also features Bob Hope on sports, a pictorial of embarrassed people, and a glimpse into the world of tournament bridge. With the addition of Miss September, this issue is packed with humor, personality profiles, pictorials, and more.

As far as we know, this issue of the magazine is available in PDF format for perusal purposes here. The September 1954 issue promises an assortment of captivating content, including fiction, articles, jazz discussions, and satire. It also features pictorials, Playboy's Playmate of the Month, and a personality piece on Lollobirigida. This issue ensures an engaging and delightful experience for readers.

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