Playboy Magazine, February 1974 - Clint Eastwood, Susan Sontag, and more

July 9, 2023 in PlayBoy 70s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy Magazine, February 1974

The February 1974 issue of Playboy features a candid conversation with Clint Eastwood in the Playboy Interview. Renowned author Susan Sontag contributes a piece of fiction, while Candice Bergen shares her experiences from the People's Republic of China.

Other features include a pictorial of Alexandra the Great, an article from Dick Tuck discussing Watergate, fashion satire by Robert L Green, and an exploration of the history of organized crime by Richard Hammer. This issue also includes a special pictorial essay on the girls of skiing and much more. This issue might be of interest to collectors and those curious about pop culture and societal perspectives during the mid-1970s.

Vintage magazine stores or online platforms may have copies of this issue for purchase.

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