Playboy Magazine, December 1972 - Woody Allen, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Movie Sex Stars, and More.

July 7, 2023 in PlayBoy 70s by Wyatt Earp

Playboy Magazine, December 1972

The December 1972 issue of Playboy is packed with an assortment of content, including new humor from Woody Allen, literary works by Bernard Malamud, Lawrence Durrell, Ray Bradbury, and others.

It also features an interview with the Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Dan Greenburg's experience at an orgy, insights on "Power" from prominent figures like Ralph Nader, and various articles covering topics ranging from alpha waves and pinball machines to mafia dons. Additionally, the magazine looks at the movie sex stars of 1972.

This issue might be of interest to collectors and those curious about pop culture and societal perspectives during the early 1970s. Vintage magazine stores or online platforms may have copies of this issue for purchase.

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